Working Effectively with Community Conflict, September 2024, group registration


A five-week online workshop for learning about the three types of conflict in community and what we can do about it.

When you register five or more people at the same time, the price will be reduced by 20%.


Most conflicts in intentional communities and other member-led groups look like simple interpersonal conflict. But intentional community researcher, author, and consultant Diana Leafe Christian identifies three different sources of conflict — not only simple interpersonal conflict, but also what she identifies as “structural conflict” in her book Creating a Life Together, as well as the conflict arising from what she calls “especially challenging behaviors.”

In this workshop you’ll learn practical, workable solutions successful communities have used to resolve or contain each type of conflict. This workshop is for people in communities (or members of food co-ops, activist groups, and so on) who may have felt confused, baffled, or even hopeless about ongoing conflict in their group and seek grounded, field-tested solutions. There are things you can do!

Additional information

Course schedule

Five 2.5-hour weekly sessions.
Sundays 1 – 3:30 pm Eastern Time
September 1 – 29


Diana Leafe Christian