Free Overview Session:

Sociocracy’s Proposal-Forming Process

Free Online Workshop
Monday, June 17
7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern Time

Creating clear, effective, thorough proposals with Sociocracy’s Proposal Forming Process is easy and fun.

In this lively free class you’ll learn exactly how to do it with instructor Diana Leafe Christian, community consultant and author of Creating a Life Together. And you can share Diana’s visual-template method with your own group — no matter which decision-making method you currently use: classic traditional consensus, modified consensus, or Sociocracy itself. It works with them all.

The class begins with a live demonstration of this enjoyable process, and then you’ll be able to practice the method to get a “felt-sense” of how easy it is to create proposals this way.

The free class is for you if you’d like to experience what doing Sociocracy feels like, and you want an empowering, user-friendly method to take back to your own community, committee, or task group. It’s easy, fun, empowering, and easy to share.

Sociocracy is an especially successful self-governance and decision-making method that Diana highly recommends instead of consensus. Its mutually beneficial, mutually reinforcing parts provide checks and balances against “power over” behaviors, and can reduce conflict in communities. When done correctly, groups using Sociocracy can have better meetings, get more done, be better organized, and experience more harmony and connection in the group.

“Our meetings just rock.”
— Hope Horton, Common Ground Ecovillage, North Carolina

“We’ve made more decisions in the past two months than we have in the past two years!”
— Davis Hawkowl, Cherry Hill Cohousing, Amherst, MA

Diana’s live online course, Sociocracy for Communities, Part One — five Sundays, July 7 – Aug 4 — covers Proposal-Forming in more depth, with more time for practice; Consent Decision-Making; using Evaluation Questions in proposals; and creating clear, effective meeting agendas. Click for more information and how to register.

Sociocracy for Communities, Part Two — five Sundays, Oct 6 – Nov 3 — covers the rest of Sociocracy:  Selecting People for Roles, Role-Improvement Feedback, Consenting to Circle Members, and Sociocracy’s Circle Structure.

“I would never have joined our community if we didn’t use Sociocracy. It’s our saving grace.”
— Kreel Hutchison, Baja BioSana Ecovillage, Mexico

Sociocracy workshop in Montreal

Workshop participants learning how lively and enjoyable Sociocracy can be. Montreal, 2014.

“I highly recommend Diana’s Sociocracy course for effective, transparent, non-hierarchical governance and decision-making. Our group now makes better decisions, has a higher level of engagement, and enjoy meetings that are both productive AND fun!”

Denise Henrikson

ecoTHRIVE Housing, Seattle. Feb-April, 2021 course

About the Instructor

Photo of intentional communities expert Diana Leafe Christian

Diana Leafe Christian


Diana is author of the books Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities, about forming successful communities and ecovillages, and Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community, and the Communities magazine article series "Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors."  She speaks at conferences, offers consultations, and leads webinars and workshops internationally on starting successful new intentional communities, how existing communities can resolve conflicts and become more healthy and thriving, and sociocracy, a self-governance and decision-making method she finds especially effective for communities.


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